“What is Creative Mondays?
Monday’s are always a drag. The start of a new week, you have to go back to that routine of going to bed early/get up early. If (like me) you have to commute then you prepare for that long journey into work and that long journey back for the first time after a nice two day break.
So to kick off those lousy Mondays, I’m going to get my creative mind flowing in a positive way. Creative Mondays. A chance for me to show off something unfinished or finished that I’ve been working on throughout the previous week.”
Trying to create a feeling or a mood from a film can be a daunting task. This week’s Creative Monday’s was all about that when I set out to make a poster for the Justin Timberlake film ‘In Time’. There’s a great concept going on here (despite the mixed review the film received I thought it was pretty decent) with time being a form of currency and literally living each day for each second.
What I noticed about the film was it’s use of colour, the bright contrast and the saturated look of a not-too-distant futuristic Los Angeles. It’s great when sci-fi doesn’t always have to go way out of the realm of the unknown and keep a grounded approach but have just enough “future technology” (for want of a better phrase) to keep us interested. The film ‘Looper’ did this exceptionally well and I thought ‘In Time’ had similar elements.
I wanted to capture the stark contrast and bleached out approach while giving a sense of urgency, of reaching out for one last grasp of humanity. The hands were created in DAZ 3D, a tool which I have used previously for my Bare-Knuckle Boxer piece. The Los Angeles backdrop is a stock photo from the stock.xchng site I often use. You can find it here. The whole piece was coloured and put together using Photoshop.
Thanks for checking it out!